On every donation that you make, please write #SilentButPowerful
using a marker or send
a self addresses stamped envelope and we will send you 10 #SilentButPowerful
stickers which you can tag your donations to local agencies,
Thank you.
Those of you who are tech savvy, please take a picture of your hand and your tagged donations and post it to the web via instagram or youtube using #SilentButPowerful
Starting Today
please forward a copy of your photo of your donations to local news media outlets.
It's time to create BUZZ.
It's time to get FREE media coverage like "others" have done for their causes.
Yes, we have been silent,
but now it is time to prove we are
We, the people of the United States of America, have been endowed by our Creator with many unalienable rights.
Unfortunately, We, the people, sometimes forget that
rights come with responsibilities.
Most times when we hear of a sick family member, we immediately touch base to see how we can help. When a neighbor is challenged by a accident, we may roll up our sleeves to shovel a walk, deliver a meal or help harvest a crop. When natural disasters hit locally in the form of floods or tornados, we help as we can and dig deep to donate supplies and money.
We do all this out of the goodness of our heart.
We do this because this is how we were raised.
Or maybe, we do this because down deep we hope that some else will do likewise for each one of us if the shoe was on the other foot
The bottom line, what needs to get done is done. Most times the recipients of kindness may never know who donated those cans of tuna to the food bank, who dropped an extra $20 in the church offering basket, who brought those warm jackets to Goodwill or who donated those useable household items to Habitat for Humanity.
Silent But Powerful
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure"